We are a young, Czech brand that specializes in making and selling luxury designer handbags, made in Florence, Italy, alongside the biggest fashion brands. LOVELILI has been around for ten years now. During that time, it has evolved greatly, thanks to which we can now boast the highest quality workmanship that can be achieved in the leather industry.
The founder of LOVELILI is designer Libuše Řeháková.
Our models are made in small numbers. They are therefore very exclusive. We like to use the term SILENT LUXURY, which best describes us. If you’re looking for originality, pure love of design, a personal touch and impeccable craftmanship using luxury materials, you’ve come to the right place.
LOVELILI handbags include timeless models and more extravagant, collectible pieces created in collaboration with selected Czech artists. We participate in the charity program of the VIZE97 Foundation and try to elevate a fashion accessory to an instrument of aid.
We look forward to you becoming part of the LOVELILI brand.